As you begin your marketing planning, decide what kind of marketing team you want to have and how it will help your bottom line. Also think about the ways to make more efficient operations and goals to build team cohesiveness naturally and encourage cooperation and connection, rather than making every single action about hitting sales goals.
Here are the simple steps to turn a bunch of people coexisting in an office into an integrated marketing team that not only meet and beat your expectations but also to support the human side of true cooperation.
Tips For Shaping A Solid Marketing Team
Get a clear understanding of how sales and marketing can work together as a team
Shaping an integrated marketing team starts with understanding how blended efforts will benefit everyone. Always look at the strategic and tactical elements of individual workloads on a chart, and see how they can serve each other more efficiently as a team. When the loop of work is clear, new strategies and relationship building opportunities will emerge naturally.
Create opportunities for the integrated marketing team to build itself
When you give them an easy way to connect on their own terms, the relationship builds in an organic and unexpected way. Provide them with an opportunity for teams to meet once a month, at the very special reasons. You can also offer them a weekly lunch paid by the company. Regular opportunities can provide a simple way to form relationship and opinions beyond the work.
Learn what required in each role on the integrated marketing team
There is no better way to encourage understanding and empathy than stepping into someone else’s shoes. Provide opportunities and time for team members to connect with each other. This will encourage a more integrated knowledge base between employees and provide a better way to fill the gaps when someone is out for a day.